

We Serve You So You Can Serve Your Community Better.

In light of the COVID 19 Pandemic, companies, churches and well, everyone were made to adapt in a whole new way due to no longer being allowed to gather in a physical place. We will be able to gather again, but if the world is ever faced with a challenge like this again, we will be prepared by having and holding a place online for every community. Having an online presence not only allows your community to have a home when they can not physically gather, but it allows your community to reach a broader community, caters to your current community by making updates and information readily available and provides a safe and confidential way to discover your community from anywhere in the world.

Church Administrative Services

From website updates to small group input and every application in between. We know the applications well and have you covered when the administrative tasks start to pile up.


Website Design

We will work closely with you to make your vision come to life online.

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Social Media Management

Original and creative content as often as you need it on a variety of social media outlets to direct, update, cater to and connect with your current and future community members.


About Cunning Christian

Our Vision, Mission and Customer Feedback